Becoming mostly cloudy. Showers and thunderstorms developing by afternoon. Severe weather is possible in the area.
Morning lows: near 60.
Afternoon highs: lower 80s.
Weekend Outlook: Get a little taste of fall this weekend. Expect sunny skies and cool temperatures.
Partly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms likely. There is a risk for severe storms in the area later this afternoon and evening.
Afternoon highs: upper 80s.
Outlook: Cooler for the remainder of the week. Rain showers possible Thursday afternoon and again Friday night into Saturday.
Fog in the morning. Otherwise, most of the day will be partly cloudy. Rain and thunderstorms likely by evening.
Morning lows: mid 60s.
Afternoon highs: upper 80s.
Outlook: Cooler for the remainder of the week. Rain showers possible Thursday afternoon and again Friday night into Saturday.
Rain and fog possible in the morning. Otherwise, most of the day will be partly cloudy. Rain and thunderstorms likely by evening.
Morning lows: mid 60s.
Afternoon highs: near 90.
Outlook: Cooler for the remainder of the week. Rain showers possible Thursday afternoon and again Friday night into Saturday.
Mostly cloudy with scattered rain showers likely.
Morning lows: near 70.
Afternoon highs: around 80.
Outlook: Cloudy on Labor Day with scattered showers possible. Unsettled weather will continue through this week with chances for rain and possibly storms.